Posted by: Shireen | February 28, 2010

Big Dreams – Sunday Scribblings #204

When I was 14, all I wanted when I grew up was to own a yellow jeep.  A friend had promised me that when he grew up and made lots of money that he would buy it for me.  I also wanted to be the one out of my friends who didn’t get married.  I wanted to be wearing Birkenstocks travelling the world, ending up in India, where I would teach and then adopt a child and live happily ever, spending our lives changing the world for children everywhere. I wanted to be strong, soulful and independent.

So…. now, I am grown up and actually, I don’t have that jeep, I live in Switzerland (soon to be back in London), I am married and have a six month old baby.

These are not the dreams that I had when I was 14.  But if you asked me, I would tell you I am living my dream.

You see, the dream I had was to change the world one child at a time.  But I thought I had to do that in India, or Africa or some war torn country, so that I would be “making a difference”.  What is making a difference, anyway?

After teaching in East London, I realised you don’t have to be thousands of miles away to make a difference.  There are plenty of inner city schools in cities all over the developed world that need dedicated teachers.  Some of the children in these schools are sometimes just as needy as the children you might come across in a developing country.

But even more than that, each child I met teaching at that school changed my life just a little bit; made me a better teacher and a better person, from the inside out.  So I learned that it wasn’t about being so presumptuous to assume that I would be the one “making the difference”.  Instead it was the children who made the difference to me and the teacher I have become.

So the dream changed a little.

And long story short, Baby Bee came into our lives.  She wasn’t adopted, like I had decided. But creating a baby and giving birth has changed my life in so many amazing ways.  I wanted to be strong and soulful.  Making and caring for BB is making me strong and feeding my soul in ways I could never have planned or dreamed of.

And the Big Dream changed again.

So it doesn’t mean that I won’t travel India wearing Birkenstocks, teaching at a little school and adopting a baby.  But it does me that the dream is bigger now and there is still so much time to make it real.

I’ll just have to take F and Baby Bee with me!

More Big Dreams at Sunday Scribblings


  1. Dreams have a way of manifesting themselves ‘outside’ the plan.

  2. yes, this is so true. isn’t that wonderful.

  3. Hi Shireen…I love reading your posts! This is a great post as I (and millions of others) can relate to this…You never know where life will take you…You just have take and appreciate it as it comes!!
    Thank you for sharing!!

  4. Funny how our dreams change and grow along with us – its a good dream you have, however it manifests itself.

  5. I had similar thoughts on this topic today. It’s interesting how dreams can change and become even better than we originally dreamed – sounds like yours have done just that!

  6. the dream did end up better than planned! and i totally forgot to say how unbelievably grateful i am for that too!!!

  7. what a wonderfully reflective and insightful piece of writing. Being able to draw on your work experience in your backyard and becoming a mother; and then using it synergistically as a parent and a teacher, is a rare gift that only few can articulate.
    Well done, Shireen, be very proud of yourself and your teachers F. and BB

  8. it sounds like you really are living your dream – changing the world one child at a time 🙂

  9. i can’t believe that i’ve been so busy and missed this post until just now. reading your posts always seem to feed my soul. i love you lots and hope that you’re always so happy 🙂 you are truly an amazing woman. xx

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