Posted by: Shireen | March 15, 2011

The Luckiest Life.

Over the weekend, we had the Fitch family over for a long, lazy Sunday afternoon.  They have two beautiful girls, who are 7 and 4 and both are a perfect picture of gorgeous-ness!

Her mum told us this story about the little one.  I am not sure I have all the details right, but it went something like this.

The day before we saw them, Little Fitch had gone to a birthday party that she had totally enjoyed with her best friends from school and then that morning before coming to our place, she had had a play date with another one of her little friends.  To add to all of that excitement, her mum had told her that she was coming to see Little Bee in the afternoon.

If you are like me, you are probably thinking….wow! That is one hectic weekend, right?  How on Earth do they have that much energy?

Not Little Fitch.  After finding out that the weekend would be filled with so many friends and so much fun, she announced, “Mum, I have the most luckiest life, don’t I?”

I love this story.

I should make that announcement to myself more often, I think.




  1. Awww…how cute and what a brilliant child! Grateful and so very positive. All of as adults have something to learn…As adults, even we wouldn’t come up with that, instead we would complain about how busy our lives are! A child so young can teach us so much! Thanks for sharing!

  2. i know! both of the girls are so lovely – i would love Little Bee to be as wonderfully confident and sure of the world as these girls are! Thanks for your comment x

  3. I think it has a lot to do with parenting….You’re a great mom and I think your little bee will be just as lovely if not more! Being a teacher also helps!! 🙂

  4. And I love you. I was the luckiest girl to meet you, Helen and Vic. Love reading your blogs and appreciating each and every post x

  5. DJ Jules! Ditto to you, my lovely! I always appreciate that life allowed our paths to cross. Life wouldn’t be the same without you! xx

  6. little people have little thoughts with profound implications for us big people. I too love your blogs but then I should, shouldn’t I? looking forward to seeing you all.

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